Tuesday, August 26, 2014

International relationships.

International relationships changed for Iraq and the United States during the invasion due to much weakened ties. Why would the United States not think of the possible repercussions of the invasion, it impacted upon many countries not just Iraq. The relationship between United States and the United Nations changed drastically and I am unsure how they could break the trust of such an influential power for their own selfish benefit (Held, 2011). Western relationships were strained during the invasion between western powers and the Islamic world this would be the United States against other opposing powers (Ulrichsen, 2011). Jesse Helms is a former chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee to the UN Security Council, the way in which he says that the United States can in a way be controlled by anyone else but the United States. Making excuses for the invasion generally changes my view of the United States, they are greedy and selfish and this can be noted through several of the sources I have found, in 2004 he said “No institution – not the Security Council … - is competent to judge the foreign policy and national security decisions of the United States”.

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